Oct 15, 2021


 I scribbled this between doing a mortgage form and paying some bills this afternoon at Alloways – 


A house is not a home

The home was a house, once.

Way back before the times

of lunches, dinners and games

It was a house.

It became a home over time.

Slowly, as people came and went,

Marriages, births and deaths

All passed through the rooms

And made the house a home.

Meals around the table

Meals on trays on the knee

Meals in the kitchen on the go

And conversation always

As the staple diet of family life.

A home is ever changing

It absorbs and reflects

the time that passes.

A home will wrap around you

Whatever your shape.

This home is now a house.

It waits to become a home again.

Empty, clean and quiet.

Just waiting.

For changes and fresh conversation.

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